Introducing Peasy!

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LitterLotto powered by Peasy - LARAC Partner
24 Jan 2024

Firstly, we are thrilled to be a new partner of LARAC, standing alongside a community that’s passionate about waste reduction and recycling. Together, we're making waves in creating a greener and cleaner future. So, let's roll up our sleeves and explore how we are turning the tide on litter while making the process downright enjoyable!

Well then who are we? Well, funnily enough we are rebranding from LitterLotto!

Our new name is short, sweet, and simple – it’s Peasy!

We’re doing this to reflect the wider range of behavioural change, sustainable-focused incentive we’re now offering to our wide range of partners. We are far beyond just litter – and far more than a lotto!

Speaking of, SmartSegregation is our latest solution on offer! SmartSegregation is a powerful tool to reduce waste contamination by educating users about what type of waste goes in each bin. We can tailor SmartSeg for any “waste type”, no matter how unusual. SmartSegregation is also incredibly easy to implement, turning ANY bin to a Smart Bin.

LARAC's commitment to waste management excellence meshes perfectly with Peasy’s goal of turning cleanups into a collective experience. Together, we're not just cleaning up litter; we're shifting mindsets toward a future where environmental responsibility is everyone's game.

However, LitterLotto is not just disappearing. No! It will instead become a section within our app that continues its success in gamifying the process of litter picking and recycling. Users love our incentives to get them doing the right thing!

In Conclusion:

Peasy and LitterLotto are not just games; they are a movement. Our alliance with LARAC amplifies our impact on waste reduction and recycling. Let's continue playing our part in this journey toward a more sustainable and litter-free world.

To find out more about what we do, who we are, and what we stand for, check out our website:


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