Relevant for Local Authorities in England only:
Defra have taken on board the requests for further clarity in how the capital transitional funding for weekly food waste collections has been calculated.
They have worked with WRAP to produce the attached slides that walk through the methodology that was used as well as the quality assurance.
They have asked us to distribute this to ensure it reaches all of our members.
For questions please email:
View slides here - methodology for calculating new burdens
14 February 2024 Update:
Following the grant determination letter sent to LAs on 12 Feb 2024, LARAC has asked Defra for clarification on two issues:
1. Branding - and what should be branded "UK Gov"
2. Co-collection of HH and NHM - whether the NBF allows for co-collection on rounds with household and business waste.
We will let all members know when we have a response, or if you have any further questions, please email Defra: